with Self & Source

A Group Coaching Program
Guided byCari Rose


An opportunity to come together with other incredible people to experience powerful shifts as we inspire each other to take our lives (and souls) to a whole new level.

CLEAR what’s been holding you back,

CLAIM what’s been calling you forward,

CALL IN what is meant for you in this life.

Confidence, self-trust, and connection to Source are huge factors that determine how good life gets to be. When we are out of alignment, everything feels harder: relationships, work, money, sleep, health, communication… it can all feel like swimming upstream, against the tide. But when we shift into alignment, there is a sense of ease about everything; we’re in the natural flow of life. 

Shift Into Alignment is a live group program facilitated by Cari Rose and designed to help you align your body, mind, and soul to create what you truly desire in life. To help you develop unwavering self-trust, deeply-felt spiritual support, and a knowing about the way ahead – all in a supportive and loving group.

In this program, we will:

Clear out the physical, emotional, and energetic clutter

Tune into your inner voice and intuition

Learn how to connect with your spiritual guidance system

The more you understand and trust your inner and spiritual guidance system, the more you will rely on it in the same way you rely on a GPS system when lost or in unfamiliar territory.

Suddenly, you are better positioned to steer your life. Clear on purpose. Decisive on direction. Navigating life from a place of knowing and power. 

Imagine how life will feel and flow once you:

  • Bring your body, mind, and soul into alignment – and learn how you receive intuitive guidance

  • Tune into and turn up the volume on your inner voice

  • Clear and align your chakras: understand your energy body and come into energetic alignment

  • Open the channel to your Spiritual Guidance Council

  • Discover how to lean into your magnetism to receive support, fulfillment, and abundance with more ease

  • Experience a deep connection to Source, bringing clarity on purpose and direction

Through this journey, you will learn how to align your physical, mental, and energetic bodies, and discover how to hear not only your inner voice, but also connect with something greater. 

Because when you know yourself, you’re unshakeable.

When you know you’re synced up with Source, the unknown moves from scary to exciting.

You always know how held you are.

And from this place, your inner knowing will always be louder than doubt. 

Your intuition will always be louder than fear.

Your journey will include:


Group Coaching Sessions

Within this group of like-minded souls, you will learn powerful tools and processes to tune into your inner & spiritual guidance system – all while receiving transformational coaching, deep connection and loving support along the way.

Breathwork Sessions

We will come together for live virtual breathwork sessions, where you will be guided through a powerful experience to clear out the energetic clutter, release blocks, align with Source, and experience magical shifts.

A Supportive Community

You will have ongoing connection with the group throughout your journey, in a private virtual community where you’ll get to share your wins and receive support on any challenges in a safe and trusted space.


Fill in your information here to receive more information about this program:

“If you knew who walked beside you at all times, on the path that you have chosen, you could never experience fear or doubt again.” 

A Course in Miracles